Monday, September 1, 2014

How to show hidden files in USB infected by a virus

Sometimes we encounter similar problems with this. When you plug in your USB Storage device in other public  or in your friend's computer your files and intact and you see it with your naked eyes but when you got home and plug in your USB device in your computer or laptop if you have good antivirus it will detect that you have a virus or worm an autorun.inf and several *.vbs files. After removing those files you will see that your all files are gone but when you check the properties of your usb device you will that it consumed a lot of disk space even you can't see anything in your usb device. don't lose hope, don't panic your files are still there and don't even think to reformat your usb disk drive you files are just hidden it was made by the virus who infected your usb device or else you will lose everything. here is the step on how to show the hidden files in your usb device.
show hidden files

1. Click start then click RUN. (if you are using windows 8 click the windows icon and click the arrow key down then you will the apps installed in your computer look for RUN).

2. At RUN type CMD or Command then press OK then the command dialogue box will appear check the usb device drive letter assign by the computer commonly if you have a single drive without partition and a DVD or CD drive your USB driver letter assigned is (E:)  

3. The default location of your command prompt are in  the current windows users profiles example C:\USERS\ZAIDEN>  since we are working on your usb drive we need to change the DOS working location into your usb disk drive for me my usb device is in drive letter (D:)  you can easily check you usb drive letter by double clicking your "My Computer" icon or "This PC" if you are using windows 8. at the DOS prompt type the usb device assigned letter followed by a colon. Example:  C:\USERS\ZAIDEN>D: (press enter)

4. The command prompt will appear like this. D:\> that means we are now working on a disk drive with assigned letter E. (if your usb disk drive is assigned to a different drive letter of course it should be the disk drive letter assigned to it). On command line type Attrib -s -h /s /d and hit enter its should  appear similar to this D:\> ATTRIB -S -H /H /D and hit enter wait for a few minutes until the command prompt appears again that means the process is done and you will see your files and folder are back but sometimes folder without name will appear definitely your files are inside. 

keywords: Autorun, virus, unhide files, show hidden files, usb, how to, tips and tricks.



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